As described in our earlier revue the kits here are an early season short wheelbase from Marsh and the later season long wheelbase car from Kaiser. Our original revue of the kits suggested that both would be good to build and at last the time is available to do so and see if my initial thoughts proved to be accurate. (review > Here)

With wheels the Marsh Model |
There was minimal preparation required on both kits, the resin on the Marsh kit the lovely soft white resin from CMA which they use. This was fortunate as closer inspection showed the panel lines for the doors were rather vague. These were easily sharpened up otherwise very little prep was required. The panel lines on the Kaiser kit were perfect and again very little prep was required.
The cast metal parts in both kits other than the injection stacks of the Kaiser kit were very good and again very little clean up was needed. The Kaiser kit has more detail around the rear end and also front discs and the gearbox casting is a work of art.
Marsh pictures
Kaiser pictures
Before painting the bodies a flap on the front of the Marsh kit was attached and the front fences for the Kaiser kit. Audi Laser red was used for both and final results were excellent. The metal parts were painted and there were no problems. The only problems were on the wing and radiator duct of the Kaiser kit where I used a Plasticote Chrome paint. The results were less than satisfactory so I will cover these with bare metal foil. A fault of paint rather than kit.
Pictures show the painted parts. In the Painting instructions for the Marsh kit there was some confusion as to the parts to be painted gunmetal, the instructions suggested front tyres and rear turned alloy rims. The pictures and common sense suggests it is the inserts.

Kaiser |

Marsh |
I like to build subunits allowing me to ensure each part fits its subunit and before final permanent assembly of the subunits they can be tried in the main body or chassis unit. In the pictures of the Kaiser kit the exhausts are not fixed and the intake stacks are just tack glued in place. In general both kits went together very well with no problems interperating the instructions. I attempted to find better tyres for the Kaiser wheels and then promptly broke a front wheel trying to fit a tyre, me being heavy handed but John is supplying me a set of Marsh wheels and tyres that I shall adapt. He is also supplying a set of Marsh intake stacks.
Marsh pictures
Kaiser pictures
As usual the Marsh decals were first class but make sure you use the supplimemtary sheet provided. The Kaiser decals were as suspected a problem, the white decals in the nose proved brittle and did not soften well with Microsol or even Supersol. Worse still several had brown marks but fortunately I was able to use the spare Marsh decals on the doors leaving only the L&M decal and one on the side pod showing the brown stains. The stains probably only were a problem on my sheet.
Final assembly and conclusions
Both kits are excellent with slight reservations on the Kaiser kit re decals however the engine/gearbox/rear suspension are superb and the car with its extra length looks great. the Marsh kit is well "Just another Marsh kit", they are all so good these days what more can we say. I wonder if I could fit a Marsh cockpit to a Kaiser long wheelbase, now that would be perfection. In the pictures the Kaiser kit is waiting for new wheels from Marsh. Thanks to John for his help on these models